Halloween Layouts and Election Congrats

First, let me give a big “Yippie!” and “Hurray!” for Kay Hagan, the new Junior Senator from North Carolina. 

Second, I would like to congratulate the President-Elect, Barack Obama, on his victory, and wish him good luck.  He’s going to need it.  Also, congrats go to Governor-Elect Beverly Purdue.

Okay, enough politics.  No more campaign commercials!!!!!!!  Sorry, I just had to get that in.

Now for the pictures.  My niece finally sent us pics of the kids in their Halloween costumes.  Bree is a “pretty” vampire.  She didn’t want to be a vampire if it wasn’t pretty.  I’m telling you, the girl is a serious prep.  I have visions of movies like “Bring it On” when I think of her in high school.

::dramatic, horrified shiver::

Danny is supposed to be R2D2 from Star Wars.  I don’t know that he actually pulled it off, but he’s cute anyway.


The kit used in the above layout is Leaves of Life Addon from Raspberry Road Designs.  The alpha is from Melissa’s Halloween Fun kit over at Sentimental Style.  Below, Vampyre Breeanna is showcased in Trick-or-Treat, one of Melissa’s kits from Scrappy Expressions.



This final layout was done with my own Apparition kit dyed purple.  Except for the flower, which is one Melissa’s Autumn Blooms at Sentimental Style.

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