Some Plain Speaking

First, the video’s title is a misnomer.  There is no cure.  But, it is time for some plain speaking.  He’s right. It’s not about liking a particular politician, party affiliation, or who gives the better press conference. It’s about science. And, quite honestly, it’s about life and death. The numbers tell us that the West Coast has handled the pandemic and flattened the curve much better than the Northeast.  Science also tells us that the outbreaks spreading throughout the rest of the country spread from New York. And, despite the blame China rhetoric, the virus in New York came from Europe. The novel coronavirus was in Europe as early as December, when the world was still focused on that market in Wuhan.

He’s also correct that we need to watch and learn. Because this virus is not just going to go away. It will return. Probably in waves. It may even become endemic, like the flu or the common cold (which, technically, is another coronavirus).

Fifty Shades Fatigue

50-ShadesAm I the only one who wishes this “phenomenon” would just go away?  Or, at the very least, that I didn’t hear about it every time I turn on the T.V.?  And, before any of you decide to point this out, I know I’m adding to it by writing this.  What can I say, the hoopla is finally getting to me.

First, it was the books.  I held out against the public mania and have not read them.  Mostly because my sister read the first one and told me it was like a Barbara Cartland novel, but with sex.  That’s all I needed to know to stay far, far away.

Now its the movie.  And let us not forget the soundtrack.  When will enough be enough?


Amendment One

Today, I’m sorry to say that I am ashamed to be a North Carolinian.  I know I don’t usually post on controversial subjects, but this one has got me so steamed that I need to vent.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.  The freedom to think as we please is part of what makes our country so great, but, unfortunately, our narrow-minded Puritan roots are showing.

The results are in and Amendment One has passed.  Apparently most of my fellow Tarheels agree that “marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this state”.  Not only do I feel this sentiment to be unfair, but think it asinine that such bigotry and discrimination should be written into our state’s constitution.

Then again, this is a state where it is still, technically, illegal for a woman to move in with her boyfriend before they are married.  This state, and the rest of the South, need to wake up.  It is the twenty-first century, people, not the Middle Ages.